Friday, May 14, 2010

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"I have a dream."
If asked what speech in the history of mankind changed a nation the most, most would reply with these four words: I have a dream. These words were delivered most profoundly in the year of 1963, each one dripping with passion and meaning. They were spoken by a man who single handedly crept into the backs of minds across a country and refused to take leave until his people were heard. He refused to back down, to stop fighting until Americans took a step back from their own lives and witnessed the unfair treatment they turned a blind eye to every day of their lives. Five years later Martin Luther King Jr would again step up to the podium and continue to use his gift of tongue to gain his people their rightful place in God's world. He proclaimed that if the Almighty came down from the heavens and told Martin Luther King Jr that he could take him anywhere, back to any time in history and any place on Earth, he would choose to stay right where he was because he was beginning to witness the most amazing changes in the lives of his people. It was the dawn of a new day and he wouldn't miss it for the world.
Well Ben, I have a dream. I have a dream that on this the fourteenth day in May, 2010, you will have the most amazing birthday ever witnessed by mankind. I have a dream that if you must listen, you will listen only to those who love you and bring you good tidings. I have a dream that if you must talk, it is because of your mere desire to share your individuality with the world. I have a dream that if you must cry, they will be tears of endless laughter shared among close friends. I have a dream that if you must run, it is because you are running towards something you love, not away from something you hate. I have a dream that if you must eat, you choose a table where there is not only food being passed around, but also comedic tales and warm memories. I have a dream that if you must drink, the drinks are bought for you and made just the way you like it. I have a dream that if you get plastered, black out and have no recollection of what occured the night before, you have a sober friend to help you fill in the fuzzy parts. And I have a dream that if ever in your life you choose to go anywhere on Earth, on any date you want, you will come back to your nineteenth birthday. Because it was the best goddam day of your life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is too long to read.

10:03 a.m., May 19, 2010  
Anonymous Allison said...

I am speechless

10:37 a.m., May 22, 2010  
Blogger Catherine said...

I can help you fill in the fuzzy parts, but trust me, you'll have a recollection.

4:34 p.m., June 07, 2010  

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