Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mall Diaries 10

4:25 - I begun my day at the mall with a cab affair that took over one hour from calling the cab, to finally arriving at my destination. It was quite the hassle. I was NOT pleased. But thankfully, Tara was here to save the day and show me all the ropes of working hard at the mall. I’m pretty much pro.

4:30 - Guys, guys! I JUST SAW THE CLARINET GUY! Remember, the one who was my secret archnemesis from the summer? He’s a lot less impressive without his instrument, and his instrumental takes of crappy pop songs. God that guy annoyed me. I should buy a violin and play really badly beside him.

4:35 - Someone just asked me where womens clothing stores are. Do I look like I shop in womens clothes stores? The kind gentleman looked at me, looked at the sign that says “Confederation Centre” and then apologized and left. I feel this is going to be a very long, long night. The very same gentleman just walked by again with a confused look on his face.

4:45 - He just did it again. I’m laughing on the inside. Just so everyone knows, there is a junior high school band playing Christmas carols. I hate Christmas carols.

4:48 - I think the highschool band is finished, WOOO HOOO!

4:50 - I was wrong.

5:55 - I am bored to death. Colin dropped by, but other than that...I didn't even have a pen! A lady generously gave me her's. Thank god for the giving spirit.


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