Do You Yahoo??
Googling our blog won't get you here, but most other search engines have found us and occasionally send visitors our way. So what have people searched for that led them here? As it turns out there's really no common theme, but here are some that caught my eye:
- Chucky Danger Band
- City Cinema
- In Good Company weekend box office sales
- "the Anne of Green Gables Musical"
And slightly stranger:
- "starbucks in the forbidden city"
- happy birthday letter to boss
- office babes
- Ashley Olsen
I just thought I'd share this with you. It made me laugh anyhow.
man, people keep stumbling on my blog by searching for, "I shot myself." I have no idea why, but it's happened a few times. I don't think I've ever talked about that?
Huh, that is wierd... It's an odd thing to search for to begin with... "Starbucks in the forbidden city" had me confused at first, but it turns out it really is in the blog. Can't find any mention of Ashley Olsen, though...
Okay, so where is that starbucks comment on our blog? (Yes, I was the idiot who titled a picture "Box Office Babes" I will definitely be more careful...or maybe start using references to the Olsen twins?)
The Starbucks bit can be found in Angela's comment to the post "Procrastination at it's Finest"
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