Floccinaucinihilipilification: The action of judging something as worthless.
It is derived from four Latin words:
Floccus - Tuft of wool(figuratively: worthless, insignificant)
, Nauci - Trivial
, Nihil - Nothing (as in: nil, annihilate, nihilism)
, and
Pilus - A hair(fig: small, insignificant)
The word is believed to have been originally coined as a humorous attempt at creating the longest word in the English language by combining the 4 words and adding "fication". At 29 letters, it indeed was the longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary 1st Edition, however, a new word,
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (a lung disease caused by inhaling volcanic ash), has taken over the title.
The earliest recorded use of the word was in 1741 by William Shenstone: “I loved him for nothing so much as his flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-fication of money”, but more recently was used by Senator Jesse Helms in 1999 to comment on the demise of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: “I note your distress at my floccinaucinihilipilification of the CTBT”.
Ok, well I think(hope) this marks the end of my rediculously stupid procrastination of starting those late papers/assignments/projects that still need to be handed in, not to mention studying for those four exams I write this week... I guess you could say I floccinaucinihilipilificate schoolwork.