Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"The story of two sisters who saved a stranger, and the stranger who stole their hearts."

In case anyone has missed viewing our new interactive bulletin board, we are off to see the lovely Maggie Smith and the marvelous Dame Judy Dench on Thursday July 28th at 7pm, at City Cinema. And no, you are not permitted to use the excuse that it is Canada Rocks on the Mainstage that evening- you can miss one showing of Black Velvet for two 'Ladies in Lavender'. Wonderful darlings, I will see you there!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

A Superb Manager

As most of you have heard, Darcy is the winner of this year's Chairman's Spirit Award!

In case anyone doesn't know, this is an annual award presented to an individual who goes above and beyond the call of duty or comes up with a creative idea that enhances the Centre. On a daily basis Darcy gets to deal with those angry calls that we transfer through to him, endless groups that haven't payed or final confirmed, computers that don't do what they're supposed to, printers that don't do what they're supposed to, a never-ending string of usually time-consuming and sometimes senseless requests and demands from other areas of the building plus who knows what other responsibilities he takes on that we don't even notice. Oh right, and he deal with us too (although, to be fair, it is really just Alex who's been causing him problems this summer). Accomplishing these things alone is award-worthy enough, but throw in a computer crash (right before we have 4 nearly sold out shows) that wipes away all of our orders and then setting up and training us all on a new computer system (which seems to have just as many glitches as our old one but with no one who seems to be able to fix it) and the fact that the box office is still running is nothing short of miraculous. And then, what does he do with his evenings off?? Well If he's not already working late in the box office he comes in and works FOH! Come to think of it, I'm really not so sure he's even human. I mean he puts up with this crap day after day and aside from regular bursts of profanity followed by pounding on his desk, he remains relatively quite sane. Darcy, you're a wonder to us all! I don't know what we're going to do when you go to Italy for a few weeks, but I suppose you've earned yourself a bit of a vacation so I guess we'll have to let you go... Um, maybe you should keep your cell phone on though, just in case?

Well, Congratulations Darcy, no one deserves this award more than you!!

Darcy, taking the time to brush up on his lifesaving skills, just another day in the life of a superhero.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

4 Skit's Sake Returns!!!!

4 Skit's Sake is baaaaaaaaaaack!
Mikey had the idea of making our opening night a box office extravaganza!
So here are the details:

Saturday July 16th 2005 @ 8pm! of course Drinks will be available, drink up we're a lot funnier when one is intoxicated. Hope so see a lot of you guys there! (oh and of course, doors open a half hour before the show...and tix are available @ the door $8.00 students (or people who appear to be students) $10.00 adults...but there's none of those here right?? :P