Friday, July 28, 2006

This Week Inside The Fishbowl (no, not the new box office, the bowl of fish)

Monday, July 24th:

New Box Office fish!

Meet Facsimile and Telephenetia!

Aren't They Pretty!?!

Tuesday, July 25th:

"Hey, those fish need to be in a heated tank! They're going to die if we leave them here!" says Mikey, former Pet Emporium employee

Upon hearing the news Terry is momentarily grief stricken but quickly comes up with an ingenious plan. "Let's start a pool for when they're going to die!"

Fortunately for the fish we went with Plan B.

And moved them into Ashley's fishtank where they spent most of Wednesday and Thurday biting each other until...

Friday, July 28th

Rest in Peace Telephenetia.

BUT it was not a sad day in the box office for long...

Meet Jerk Face!

Jerk Face is an algae eater which are apparently known to be much tougher fish and can survive in most conditions... I don't know, though, the box office? That's pretty rough living conditions... I think we should probably still consider Terry's pool idea...

ever see that movie house party... no? ever see the sequel? ... no? well I NEVER!

Hey kids!

If you aren't cool, please look away and shield you eyes from this post. two words for all of yous senior ticket masters! ... wait a minute.. mikey! reread the very first sentence and then please follow the directions.. sorry aboutt that everyone... damn snoops. well two words!

HOUSE PARTY of epic proportions at my house ( 25 dunkirk st. ) tonight friday july the 28th. this is invitation by coolness, so if you deem someone cool enough to come then by all means bring them. It is a general house party with people from all walks of life coming and i encourage any and all of you ( that are cool enough) to come to this shindig. I sent many of you emails, but please spread the word. I hope all of you are enjoying your monotonous box office work.. time to clean my house alittle !


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Random Post

So Tara and I spent the morning in the phone room selling Pea tickets, discussing the merits of boys who smell good and coming up with how many ways we can use the word mosaic (vs. the American melting pot) to describe the noontime show- which is ‘not one to be missed’.

I love my job.

Oh, and question of the day. Anyone know what university the son of Frank MacKinnon- of the Frank MacKinnon Lecture and Memorial Fun- is president of?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Who's up for some gratuitous violence?

Box Office Outing:
Sunday, July 30 at 9:10
The Proposition @ City Cinema
(meet at 8:45, $5 for Members, $7.50 for Non-Members)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Human Interaction at its best....

...with alcohol! Pretending we were living in Quebec (yes, I think there was even drunk French spoekn), Saturday night at has been agreed upon by all as a GREAT party. Thanks for hosting, Ashley!
We had Jell-o Shooters:

(Chloe and Rachel sharing their shooters)

Water Wars


(so how do I get this picture into the 'Rocks!' slideshow?)(you can't tell from the picture but the spoon and drink were on fire here)

And Craig.

The newest addition to the Box Office impressed all of us with his purple vodka concoction, his need to crawl under the table at various moments, and his drunken attitude. We might have found the funniest drunken Box Officer since Deidre (whom we missed at this party!!) and we're already laughing about some evening later this summer that will find them both drinking at the same gathering.

Craig is the funniest person ever.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Strange Fruit

More brave souls to finally speak up and admit that they DO eat the peelings of the kiwis (as well as the fruit inside, of course).

Craig is feeling awfully lonely by himself on this one...

Saturday, July 15, 2006



WHERE?? ASHLEY'S HOUSE (40 Marianne Dr. - from town cross the North River causeway, take a left at the North River Rink and then the 5th left onto Marianne Dr. or the last visible lampost on the road. If you don't see any lamposts you've gone too far. My house the dark green one with the reddish roof and the yellow door - it's on the right hand side about 2/3rds of the way down the road.)


Join the Box Office- See the World.

Where Is This??

The first person to guess the correct answer gets A PRIZE*!!

*prize being glory

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm Squishing Your Heads

So I'm just going to continue posting old box office videos as there is obviously nothing else to post about.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Goofy and the Stapler