Christmas Party #4
The Christmas Party is now FRIDAY, JANUAY 28th at MAVOR'S from 4pm-6pm(or later).
There is stillFREE FOOD, FREE DRINKS, and PRIZES!!
Oh no, the staff Christmas Parties are not over yet! I know Darcy sent out an email last week, but I figured another reminder can't hurt!
The details, once more:
Saturday, January 29th in the Studio Theatre
7:00 p.m. Reception
8:00 p.m. Dinner
9:30 p.m. Dance with Roger Jones Band
As long as you pay into the staff fund, you get in for free, for staff who do not pay into the staff fund and all guests, it will cost $10. If you're going, you need to sign up by Thursday, January 27th. (or you can call the box office and we can sign you up to save you the trip)
So to recap:
Free Food. Cheap Drinks. Prizes. All ages. Saturday Night.