Saturday, October 22, 2005

OK. So I take it that it wasn't THAT busy in the 'ole box office this Saturday.

Just to prove that I have mastered this blog thing. Here is an image that Kristen Peace painted on the wall backstage at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven, Connecticut. You can see that all the cast have signed it. It took her four days.

Have fun at the symphony kids.


A Halloween Gift from one Mikey Wasnidge

These Ghoulies stopped by on Saturday to Visit Me & Tara & Mikey. It was a good thing too.. First of all some symphony subscribers got a little unruly, they had canes and weren't afraid to use them! Tara took a few blows before i made it out of the Backoffice, but they were too strong for me, even with my extensive batman training! Luckily Astro Boy showed up and cleaned up those old timers! His rocket fingers and laser eyes came in especially handy. Then Jaimie at the resturant was baking rolls but added too much Yeast! The whole Kitchen was overflowing with dough. It just kept Rising and RISING AND RISING! So we rang up slimer using our "790" long distance code and he came and ate up most of the dough, although the dishwashers sure weren't happy with the clean up. That dude is one hell of a slob. Then Queen Fire Bitch showed up! "Damn She's hot!" is what flashed into mine and mikey's head. While we (& slimer) were drooling, Tara recovered from the old fogies' blows and joined forces with Astro Boy to make the She-Devil simmer down. She actually ended up being a particularly cute and nice devil. Mikey's got a hot date with her sometime this week. Boy, today sure had some Krazy! adventures! I wonder what will happen next weekend......

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Re: Letters from Scooter - Shout out to Ash

Hey all!

Well I'd been sort of hoping that no one knew I'd been occassionally checking the bulletins from out here, but Scooter always knows the truth... Thanks for the shout out Scooter!

Vicoria's pretty good. Right now I'm recovering from two Thanksgiving dinners, one last night at my aunt's friend's house and Saturday we hosted an "Orphan Thanksgiving" here with some of my sister's friends. Even after everyone stuffed their faces and we divied up lots of leftovers for everyone the fridge is still full of turkey and fixin's. The Jell-O shooters (not my idea I swear, a couple of Kelly's friends brought them), mind you, were gone long before the end of the evening.

I'm off to Whister on Friday for the weekend, my sister's friend Nathan lives out there and he just moved into a mansion. A rich american couple own it but they only use it 4 times a year for a week or long weekend so, rather than paying cleaners to get it ready for them each time, they've decided to rent it out to Nathan for $200 a month instead. Pretty sweet deal, eh??

My Adventures in Babysitting have been a little mundane so far, compared to the movie. It's been taking up more of my time than usual the last few days though. Not sure if Kayden will be back to school tomorrow as the BC teachers' strike continues. Including the long weekend, today is his 5th day off in a row. He hasn't really been driving me crazy yet; maybe it's because I don't have to fight with him to do his homework or maybe it's because he just got Tony Hawk's Pro-Skater 4 for his gamecube which is really a lot of fun.

So I've been here almost a month now, and still no phone.. Why? We've been trying to get voip set up as our phone line but the gateway Primus sent us didn't work. We called tech support and they discovered they'd sent us a gateway with outdated software and they'd have to send us a new one. It arrives, we hook it up, but it doesn't work either. So we call them a second time, and it seems they've sent us a gateway with the same outdated software. They send us a new one. We hook it up. It doesn't work. We call them a 3rd time. They tell us they sent us an outdated one again. They send us a new one. We hook it up. It doesn't work. We call them a 4th time. They tell us they sent us an outdated one again. We are now waiting for gateway # 5. Fingers crossed.

Anyway, that's about all I've been up to,. I hope everything is well with you guys. Email me with your news (or the inside scoop regarding the 2006 shows) at ashleypeckatgmaildotcom.

Rachel - Happy be-lated 19th!!

Tara - Happy be-earlied 21st!!

I get back in a couple months, can't wait for that Christmas party! Till then I'll be waiting for that jet stream to reach me!

Later days!

Kayden: soccer player and weirdo