Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Thought for the day

Well, summer festival tickets are on sale again, so we're getting the usual 10+ minute phone calls and hearing life stories from our many Anne-crazed Island visitors. Here are two comments with some Canadian content that I'm passing along for the educational benefits.
1. Fort Qu'apelle, Saskatchewan is a valley town named for an 'Indian' legend (I'm assuming Metis?)

2. In Fort McMurray Alberta, a cantaloupe costs you $8.
I just realized both comments mentioned prairie cities in Canada with Fort in the name. But they still aren't as good as the guest from Kalamazoo who actually sang 'I've got a girl' to me on the phone. Made my week.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

A Poll for the People

I'd like to encourage everyone to take a look at what could turn out to be just the first in a series of polls looking for the Box Officer perspective and enter your vote:

THE MAN wants to know what YOU think so here is your chance to SPEAK UP and BE HEARD(or type and be read)! Your UNIQUE point of view could have the POWER to make a DIFFERENCE so feel free to add comments if you wish to elaborate on your thoughts or reasoning!!

*Please note that a majority vote on any issue does not guarantee anything. The Box Office is not a democracy and all final decisions will be made by The Man. If you don't like it, perhaps try bribery.